Quick Updates
10/7/07 - New website skin installed
9/25/07 - Finally got the new XHTML / CSS code written and uploaded. Sorry about the delay.
9/18/07 - Added cell phone content button. Forums open.
9/14/07 - Newly-coded site uploaded. Coded in XHTML and uses Divs and CSS. I rule.
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Stuart Whyte was the producer of Populous: The Beginning. He was the guy that lead the team, almost like the director of a movie.
Stuart has always been very supportive of our community, and for that we can't thank him enough. Twice I decided to ask the community of Populous players for questions they'd like to ask Stuart about Populous, and each time I've gotten positive results. Here are the two Stuart Whyte Q & A's, exclusive to The Dakini Hut.