

Quick Updates

10/7/07 - New website skin installed
9/25/07 - Finally got the new XHTML / CSS code written and uploaded. Sorry about the delay.
9/18/07 - Added cell phone content button. Forums open.
9/14/07 - Newly-coded site uploaded. Coded in XHTML and uses Divs and CSS. I rule.

To view all Quick Updates, click here.

To view copyright information and terms and conditions, click here.

Cell Phone Content

Well, here it is! The cell phone content page. From this page you can add two ringtones and a few text alerts to your cell phone. I'll be updating this page, adding things like wallpaper, so keep watch!

How to use:
If you want to use these ringtones and text alerts on your phone, you must have internet access on your cell phone.. Under each ringtone or text alert choice is a code. Go to that URL on your cell phone and it should ask you if you'd like to download a file. Click yes and it should begin the download. Once you're done downloading, you should be able to find your ringtone or text alert in the audio section of your cell phone.

Remember, these ringtones are 100% free and will work on any phone!


Ingame Background Music One

Menu Background Music

Text Alerts

Lightning Incantation

Blast Incantation

Shaman "Ka"

Preacher Preaching